EXPERIMENT ONE:Question: Does Microwaving the water for a plant stunt it's growth?
Stage of Experiment: Stage 1
Stages:1. Determining past experiment validity and public consensus; if public data lacking, move step 2
2. Generate controls and means of experimentation by public recommendations; use the steps and methods that will produce and end result to convince the most people
3. Perform the experiment
PAST EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS:Supporting damage claim:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0NSV6Mqlgw -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rlJL-2R7TAOpposite Result:
http://kimmxjayne.wordpress.com/2012/05/06/day-10-microwave-experiment/Neutral Result:
this 12 day experiment shows no ill effects:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPEFJgfuMwkOLD THREAD:Anyone interested in seeing experiments, can accept low amounts of bitcoins (Fractions), or donation only
Where you take fast food, leave it a few months come back see how it has degraded or kept up. (remember supersize me?)
Fluoride toxcicity? Could use rats or mice, feed one set fluoride toothpaste mixed with food, the other set as control, see if rats get poisoined
Water two plants, one with regular water, one with microwaved water to see if it hurts the plant
Already done, microwaved water shows plants grow less vigorous, perhaps it kills live bacteria that help plant grow: Also water with energy drink, one with coffee
* other suggestion