So these guys in the Foundation need 3 new board members, and have set some kind of February date.
Some people are going to run on the importance of privacy, anonymous transactions and true Satoshi style blockchain operations.
Others are going to run on platforms of "Oh, you are here from the Gubbermint, I'm here to help."
I have a couple things to toss your way~
well, four really
1) I am running for an Individual Director seat and the election is in Feb 2015. The Board appears not to have yeat settled on the exact date, but I think we'll know soon (grumpy sound from this corner about dates)
2) My platform is: user choice (anything that doesn't have that is non-starter), bitcoin development, privacy & anonymity development (the last part being technical development(s) that have been already the subject of much analyses and development for some time ~ zerocash (yet to be released), sidechains, and all manner of things, much of which is yet to arrive in 2015 ~ I think we need to do a better job of opening up the door to being open to letting technology clear a path rather than making flawed assertions that policy and "governance" will somehow limit what we can do. I would rather not imagine a 'rule,' but if you must, imagine one like that described by Frank Herbert, author of Dune, as 'Amtal,' in which something is tested (often to destruction) to determine its limits or defects. Envisioning free associations and the decentralization of common notions of identity is the beginning of precursors to a society which can adequately explore our potential..
3) I have been recently inviting all the candidates to a Reddit IaMA / AMA which would occur sometime in January or early February and have also suggested that if they'd not rather then they consider doing their own. Peter Todd has agreed to be mod for this one, I think, here is a thread on that: am pcvcolin on reddit)
4) If you are into microgiving and so on check out my project at or alternately check out something I've been toying around with relating to it (prototype, code not mine except for the commits that say abisprotocol in them somehow) at bears repeating given the times we live in:
always look at the sigs in OP, check / double-check all relevant code, and check diffs and communicate with all relevant people using up to date gpg etc....
Have a great rest of 2014, see you in the New Year.