You have to be more precise with your question. Do you mean either 1) Bitcoin/Blockchain itself being hackable or 2) Anything related to BTC (including your stored btc) being hackable?
1) Bitcoin itself is not hackable in any way. BTC is "just a code" running on a lot of distributed computers around the world. There are no flaws and also no vulnerabilities which could be exploited.
2) Wallets, your pc (containing your coins), exchanges, websites (containing btc in any form) are always "hackable" (or to be more precise: they are vulnerable to exploits). You won't get 100% security in wallets, web applications, ...
If you store BTC's right and use your common sense when transacting with bitcoins, you (and your btc's) won't get "hacked".
I hope this clears things up. If i missunderstood you, feel free to awnser with a more precise question.