After I clicked on the original source of the news you raised, I smiled a little at the facts that were there. Bitcoin has died 474 times, in fact until now Bitcoin is still alive and growing, Bitcoin adoption is even faster. haters who are against the presence of Bitcoin will continue to leave their mark by spreading scary news for people who are new to Bitcoin, but these negative issues will not work for investors who have been struggling in Bitcoin investment for a long time. Haters trying to do this all have personal interests behind it, they are very passionate about creating various negative issues when the price is corrected, but they never praise Bitcoin's performance when it reaches a new ATH.
You are very right , there are two different categories of people in this I believe..
First are those who actually love Bitcoin , and would love to invest in Bitcoin but want to do so while Bitcoin is at a very cheap rate, they device or come up with some of these negative stuffs like "Bitcoin is dead" as a way for them to try to bring the price of Bitcoin down to the barest minimum so they can buy ..
The Second people in this category are those who naturally hate Bitcoin, and possibly see it as a threat to them or their business, most people in this category are the government agencies, or those working in the government, politicians, bankers and so on , they device several means to try to change peoples mind about Bitcoin , but from the records , they have never succeeded, and neither will they ever succeed.