^ opposite of real intrinsic value or physical value, it actually is wasting intrinsic/physical value atm.
When people say intrinsic value, they mean actual physical value.
wrong..... TANGEABLE!
because it's a physical object and will exist almost forever.
wrong..... TANGEABLE!
intrinsic means its backed by something beyond speculation.
bitcoin DOES have intrinsic value because PoW COSTS something to create the coin. just like it costs somthing to mould a brick or excavate gold.
PoS has no COST because people dont put in value that is lost for its creation. PoS coins just temporarily hold someones value and later release the value of the 'stake' thus no loss/cost.
put aside golds UTILITY value (able to make circuits/jewellery) and imagine that anyman and his dog could easily grab a kitchen spoon and a coffee filter, walk into their own back yard and dig up their own gold at the cost of pennies. gold would not be worth $1k because people can get it for pennies.
same for bitcoin. when in october 2018 it became cheaper to mine bitcoin(drop from ~$6k-$3500), by the time november came those able to make profit at $3500 were happily selling at $3500 and thus that was what people valued it at. now it costs more to mine it, people are bying it for more. right now the lowest/luckiest/cheapest mining cost is ~$5k
people need to realise assets are multilayered.
theres the underlying acquisition cost (asics: bitcoin... excavators:gold)
theres the utility value(what can be done with the asset)
then theres the speculation value(the hype/volitile/FOMO/bubble/correction)
things like PoS coins have no bottomline support for acquisition costs,
same with fiat. thy both are created with just a signature
things like PoS coins may have utility value but thats the difference between a crapcoin(useless) and a viable coin. (has use)
same with fiat. there are laws like minimum wage and taxes. but some fiats die out when useless (zimbabwee dollar)
things like PoS coins have speculative value.. but this can just be the pump and dump temporary hype,
same with fiat. the forex markets speculate on if a nation is prospering and how much one nation is in debt to another
when it comes to PoW coins. if the utility value is high. then the desire to acquire it is higher so the underlying cost to create it gets more value. which is why PoW coins like bitcoin will be more superior than PoS coins