The Bitcoin 'open' source is getting more complex now and so we introduce more and more middlemen.
Who can read the SW stuff and trust it ?
> We need to depend on few experts - getting fewer with increased code / protocol complexity
Same is for block size. Big blocks are simple - small complex block + 2nd la(w)er stuff is highly complex -> this is clearly leading us into middle men and central authority dependence.
Just found these guys here - right now we depend on some miner pools, but this is pure Satoshi Bitcoin Design , far far better as the other option incoming now!
Indeed, bitcoin is looking more and more like a human organisation, with power struggles, kings, fights, and layered hierarchical structures. The Vitalik trick of power by complexity has also been pushed nicely (and ALL reasons given to push segwit are false arguments, from scaling, to cheap off chain transactions, to the importance of non mining nodes.... - there's only one good argument, that is that segwit eliminates one bug from the bitcoin protocol, which is transaction malleability; but there are so many other bugs in bitcoin that all this hassle for this single bug is ridiculous).
And exactly mostly un-needed fixing transaction malleability will now invite next level middle men - happy Christmas !
How many posts are needed to make sheep learn or can they only learn the hard way ?
When I come to BCT, I have the impression to be at a church, where there is a religion that counts over reason, and where group think is more important than logical arguments. This is a pity, because fragile anarchist concepts (like science was in Galileo's time) need people with strong, logical, independent thinking skills, and not a religious herd that likes to crucify those that do not believe in their declared Truths, because falsehoods, no matter how much you believe in them, turn out, well, to be false.
There are some very good ideas in bitcoin. But there are some very bad ones to it too. The idea itself of a "freedom money" made me like it. But by looking at how it behaved, and by thinking about why it behaved that way, I realized over time that it also contains extremely BAD ideas and concepts - even if these ideas are admired by a lot of bitcoiners. I now think that bitcoin spoiled a unique opportunity to invent a true freedom money, and is in fact, by its design mistakes, making it HARDER rather than EASIER to invent a true freedom money. In other words, I think bitcoin, by its design flaws, has killed essentially the hope of making a freedom money it pretended to become. Some with conspiracy thoughts think that was done on purpose - I think it is sheer "stupidity" although that's too harsh of a judgement: Satoshi WAS a bright guy, but he did screw up.
However, what has been done recently to bitcoin, is even worse, and leads it even more to the path of a freedom killer than it was.
The lightning style transaction system is PERFECTLY fitted for turning exchanges in global clearing houses. They turn them from a somewhat undesired side effect of crypto (the economies of scale in trading fiat for crypto have killed the individuals market like localbitcoins), into the central hubs of transactions. It completes the institutionalisation of what was a badly designed decentralized token transaction system.