Looks like owning bitcoin is going to be illegal in india.
Sir, I urgently suggest to you that you create a forum both online and offline for people to contribute ideas to be able to see all the perspectives being seen by your entire Indian Bitcoin Community. If you can gather all of them into a protected forum where they can hide their names and critique and talk openly without fear of they themselves, instead of their ideas being critiqued, you will have gained a powerful force for good.
Remember everyone has their own mind, own eyes, hands to explore the world, do the same for this. Get everyones viewpoint so that a clear understanding can be achieved, once everyone else knows what is up, then you can start to organize into skill based systems.
I suggest that you create a forum, using whatever forum software you like, get suggestions from people here on This forum how to secure it for peoples safety, so they can discuss openly their views.
Then start to figure out what skills will be required to build a proper group capable of holding the line of Democratic rights.
You'll need.
Grassroots Followers: They won't get involved too deeply but they will provide eyes, ears and minds to augment the core Bitcoin Contributors, not to mention the power of Distributed Action. The more people involved the closer we are to knowing what is happening and the stronger the total power of the group... they can help the cause by volunteering, providing financial support when needed to those at the Front.
Web Masters: People knowledgeable about Bitcoin, it's protocols, Namecoin, to build a decentralized communication system. Bitmessage, Secure communications(so secure people won't even know where they are); These people are the backbone... they provide technical expertise for the other members and make sure that their communication infrastructure is safe. If possible they should contribute their skills to the main Bitcoin Project and it's ecosystem to make sure the system is secure.
Teachers: We need them to guide people on what they should know, when they should know it and to organize the group to guide our actions correctly.
Visionaries: People capable and willing to give everything they have to understand the cause at every level, they are people so commited that they understand every level of the projects, the people, the technology, willing to teach others and capable of having the courage to go on when no one else will.
Leaders: To motivate the people on what Democracy truly is, It is a massive Distributed Amalgamation of the People anything that does not consider that is not a Democracy.
Researchers: These people are the Lawyers, Scientists of our cause they search for Truth and will be in the Background or at the Front Lines of the Court Room, but they will need to know what Truth is and make sure they have a good foothold in it.
Now you will need to gauge what everyone knows, there is a project by the Mozilla Project called OpenBadges. You will need people to make Badges on what skills are required and training programs to make sure people do have the skills to back those badges.
http://openbadges.org/Figure out what information you need and who needs to know, what skills are required, the different jobs that will be needed, then start making Badge courses so that everyone can smoothly in this order reach the top.
Find out everything about Bitcoin and the system that you are in.
Give people the most relevant information requires in public places where they can find the information easily and guide them
to sources with more information like the forum.
On the forum give people all the information they need, neatly organized for people different interests in the projects, Protocol, Legal, Research, Bitcoin Ecosystem, etc, whatever you think is relevant.
Allow people to discuss and guide their discussions into the correct Topics, so more information can be put in the main Information center as new developments unfold and are confirmed.
Give people a place where they can contribute whatever they can to the project, whether it's a commitment to research, to teach, for Litigation, to maintain and update the forum, or general job postings for the project.( The important thing is that everyone with useful skills are grouped together so that relevant information is spread among the most active members in a timely fashion and relevant duties done)
Once the organizing of the group is complete then actions can be taken because the logistic train of information, jobs, duties are properly supporting the people at the front and always fine tune this process for maximum effect... in fact have people analyze the organization of the group to make sure that everything is moving properly through the group.
Make progression Badges so people from the bottom to the top can smoothly see their skills rise in step with their usefulness to the group. Remember this is a massive discussion group and their can be no single leader in any point only equals, with equal skills and knowledge, even in a court room, a lawyer does not stand alone, they represent everyone that brought them to that point, the Paralegals, Researchers, Administrators, Officials, Police, the people and the thousands of years of History that have brought them Here. As Isaac Newton said,"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."
The rest is up to you, I cannot tell you what your groups consensus will be when action is required, but I can tell you that
Nations that Dare call themselves Democracies but are not, will resoundingly be spanked by the true members of Democracy, the people.
This is the software you will need.
Bitmessage: Secure Communication Protocol, so secure people won't even know where you are communicating from.
https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Main_PageNamecoin: Decentralized Information System, Keep a copy of this and all listed websites cannot be blocked, use for Time Stamping Documents, Torrent Tracking using magnet links, Secure login system, web of trust, many uses
http://dot-bit.org/Main_PageOpenBadges: to create a skill system to bring everyone in your group up to date on all known skills and information needed for your Bitcoin Swarm and we will need them to be a swarm... everyone knows everything that everyone else knows and has the skill to do anyone else's job. Remember the example of the Blockchain, It is the foundation of what is True and all who know the Truth will know you for who you are, and all falsehood within that chain will be found to be a shaky foundation to build upon, don't build your house on sand.
http://openbadges.org/And all the other Cryptocurrencies to unleash the possibilities of what is possible.
Litecoin: for easy personal currency earning using regular computers, plus of course all other GPU/CPU minable coins.
https://litecoin.org/Primecoin: Cunningham chain prime search CPU earnable
http://primecoin.org/Franko's: Social Engineering coin, promoting Democratic values. GPU earnable.
http://frankos.org/Devcoin: To incentivize writers, artists, programmers, Architects of your cause, contribute to
www.Devtome.com to earn coins.
http://devcoin.org/Peercoin: A Proof of Stake coin, earn coins for saving the coins you already have.
http://peercoin.net/Freicoin: A innovative coin with a Demurrage design to offset Network power by the wealthy, promotes economic movement.
http://freico.in/Feathercoin:A GPU earnable coin with Network checkpoint for security
http://feathercoin.com/Curecoin: Earn coins for helping the Folding@Home community(not launched yet, but very promising)
http://curecoin.us/Ripple: A company trying to create a legal infrastructure to buy Cryptocurrencies, similar to Western Union/Money Gram.
Earn coins by processing Scientific data on the Boinc network.
https://ripple.com/Emscripten: A C/C++ program to convert programs into a fast form of Javascript for direct deployment to the web of all programs to give all volunteers access to Software programs they will need to be effective... add to namecoin so all members have access to programs, like Word Processors(Apache OpenOffice), Graphic Design(GIMP), Video Editing(Blender), Audio Editing(Audacity), etc all open source software that will be required by people to contribute to your cause.
https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/wikiOpenTransactions and the Monetas Projects: A project to provide bank accounts off of Mobile phones for the billions of people on earth who do not have bank accounts, plus easy software for anyone to build their own business.
http://opentransactions.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page http://monetas.net/Apache Bigtop: A testing environment for the Hadoop Distributed Computing infrastructure... never know when you need servers that never go down.
http://blog.cloudera.com/blog/2013/06/apache-bigtop-the-fedora-of-hadoop-built-on-hadoop2/Collaboration tools.
Apache ESME:Enterprise Social Messaging Experiment (ESME) is a secure and highly
scalable microsharing and micromessaging platform that allows people to
discover and meet one another and get controlled access to other sources
of information, all in a business process context.
http://esme.apache.org/index.htmlYou will need Apache Tomcat to make it work:
http://tomcat.apache.org/download-60.cgiApache Rave: A Web 2.0 content aggregator, useful for linking all useful information in a single webpage for members.
http://rave.apache.org/Apache Forrest/Cocoon: A Content styling system for presenting information from the community into a magazine format or any format you may find most useful.
http://forrest.apache.org/ http://cocoon.apache.org/1288_1_1.htmlApache Subversion:Subversion exists to be universally recognized and adopted as an open-source, centralized version control system characterized by its reliability as a safe haven for valuable data; the simplicity of its model and usage; and its ability to support the needs of a wide variety of users and projects, from individuals to large-scale enterprise operations.
http://subversion.apache.org/Apache Shindig: A OpenSocial API specification for easily hosting Social Applications.
http://shindig.apache.org/many of these apps will need someone with technical knowledge to assemble, But it will give you maximum security for your cause to assemble it from within. You can also use freely available websites as well like Twitter/Facebook/Google+/YouTube/ and other social media sites to spread the message and attract more supporters that could have the skill you need.
Slides: an easy website to post essential information in a slide format for people to follow.
http://slid.es/OpenAtrium: A Collaboration toolset for regular documents,files, news, etc, quick to deploy for all participants to collaborate.