Well I think we are starting to scale already, segwitt has been getting a good amount of adoption lately, other things like Schnorr signatures (I think i spelt that wrong lol) etc are also incoming. I am personally at the stance that a 2Mb block for now would have been good while other things are being worked on.
I don't think this is "core developers being corrupt" or anything. I reckon anyone who got in as early as them don't need more money anymore. If you take a look at BTC's github you will see that a ton of commits are happening. I am fine with waiting a bit while all these things get sorted. We are definitely seeing progress happening on scaling. LN is a good fix but I agree not a fix for everything. It will sort us out for micro transactions for things like streaming services etc. I am aware it doesn't fully fix ad hoc transactions directly but it will take a load off the blockchain.
We should remember this technology is still new, things take time to be developed. I am fine with waiting a bit longer. My biggest worry is how we as a community start fighting each other.
I will leave coin names out of this since I don't want to instigate an argument here but I do want to make a point.
We see certain movers and shakers of certain coins accusing other developers of lying and not allowing people to speak and all kinds of stuff. Where this used to be one community we seem to be forking off just like BTC. I think people need to take a step back and look at what we are trying to do here. In the end of the day all cryptocurrencies - apart from scam ICO's of course are on the same team. All these projects aim to bring a more fair and non-corrupt world.
It really slows us down if we keep attacking each other. We will move this whole industry forward much faster if we can get to a point where we can say "okay cool you fork and do your thing - I wish you luck" instead of "screw you guys I am starting my own coin".
I know the argument of scaling is much more complex than the above, but I think you get the idea. We should move to team everyone instead of team "insert coin name". Opinions on things will of course always differ, but lets remember we are all on the same team here.
P.S. if any developer of any coin sees this - thanks for all your work