Exactly. Those who live in a glass house should not throw stone or complain about 'racism'. That's a bitch mentality right there.
No one has the obligation to give even a modicum of respect to such people. They are the offenders, and must change their ways or else the retaliation is perfectly justified - other people have little obligation to think otherwise. Fair's fair.
This is some very nasty writing. Not good at all.
Read the rest of his posts then. That's mild in comparison.
Yeah. I see what you mean. A lot of hatred and fear of a country he has probably never been to. I just watched 12 years a slave. This guy's attitude reminds me of the slavemaster. He doesn't seem to think of other people as human beings but more as objects of hatred.
I wonder what kind of shoes, clothes, computer or car he uses? Pretty hard to avoid Asia. Lol.
He's probably just a troll to be honest. People like that do not think rationally because they are unable to think outside of any boxes except the one they are trapped in. Must be kinda scary to them.