Correct me if I'm wrong, but a Hard Fork never happened, the link OP pastes here talks about a Soft Fork made after 5 hours the bug was discovered.
Bitcoin isn't an AltCoin, Bitcoin is the original creation and all the rest are the copy of it. Some fixes in Bitcoin doesn't turn it into an AltCoin like the Hard Fork some people want to do now.
Title is quite misleading, you should add ? at the end of title
After hardfork blockchain will split into two chains and old chain will be dropped by community but if it get few supporters than it can stay as altcoin just like ETC is right now after split from ETH. However softfork can't split the chain.
soft forks and hard forks can BOTH cause altcoins.
softforks are merely pool controlled activation.
hard forks are node(user) AND pool controlled activation.
the whole UASF is a fake word twisting to pretend that a hard fork is a soft fork simply by swapping a H for a S to fool the crowd
altcoins are created if there is enough controversy and not enough consensus for a bilateral split to occur which involves in short, PURPOSEFULLY keeping the weaker option alive alongside the majority strong option.
allowing the weaker side to just stall/remain unsynced/die is not an altcoin creation. and can be done soft or hard.
anyone thinking soft=safe hard=danger has been reading the reddit propaganda too much and been hypnotised into believing it.
all the propaganda has mearly done is say a softs best case scenario and a hards worse case scenario and purposefully avoided discussing the opposite
in short
soft consensus: high majority acceptance, activated by pools. and the minority die out with small drama of orphans
soft controversial: slight majority acceptance, activated by pools. and the minority die out with large drama of orphans
soft bilateral split: minority (small or large) of pools decide to keep alive the minority rule by actively opposing/banning/rejecting the opposition
in short
hard consensus: high majority acceptance, activated by nodes and pools. and the minority die out with small drama of orphans
hard controversial: slight majority acceptance, activated by nodes and pools. and the minority die out with large drama of orphans
hard bilateral split: minority (small or large) of nodes and pools decide to keep alive the minority rule by actively opposing/banning/rejecting the opposition
but we will still have the corporate propagandists who will just discuss soft consensus and hard bilateral as if thats the only 2 options of change.