You are likely wrong.
There is a difference between having a valid point, and seeming to deliberately misconstrue various arguments by perverting definitions which confuses and tends to mislead.
Still, even if bullshit and misleading arguments are presented, we can still talk about the various points, including whether:
1) bitcoin has value in itself
2) bitcoin investors believe that bitcoin is a panacea for all world problems.
You, yourself, Lorence.xD, are creating your own baloney arguments in order to attempt to find some value in the arguments presented by Michael Lee, but even your nonsense points could provoke some potential valuable discussion points including exploring some of your own presumptions.
1) The longer that bitcoin exists, the more likelihood that the ways in which it has value increases by more and more use cases and more and more people and institutions adopting it and building upon it. You might not recognize such value and other people and/or governments might not recognize such value, but that does not mean that bitcoin is not building value with the passage of time through a variety of expansion of network effects.... which of course, are not inevitably upwards, either... value could go up, but it might go down too.... with the passage of time, but seems to me that bitcoin is continuing to go up in value with the passage of time because its network effects seem to be increasing with the passage of time (which I concede is not inevitable).
2) bitcoin investors believe all kinds of shit. You know the expression that there are as many opinions as there are assholes, which likely undermines your presumption that bitcoiners have similar views about what bitcoin can do for themselves or for the world. Of course, especially in recent times, we have seen a decent amount of evidence that there are a lot of problems with the current monetary system, and there are a lot of great arguments that bitcoin could fix a lot of the bullshit by just having a system of money that takes out some of the abilities to manipulate the supply, but currently bitcoin seems to be at much less than 1% of world-wide adoption, so bitcoin hardly seems to be in a position to fix all of those monetary supply corruption things in any kind of immediate time frame, even though it does seem to continue to present itself as a monetary (asset class) system that is much more difficult to manipulate and without some of the physical encumbrances as compared with a variety of traditional assets whether we are comparing with fiat or gold or oil or real estate. In any event, seems to me that you are creating a strawman argument, Lorence.xD , when you are attempting to attribute the mantra of bitcoin fixes everything to the beliefs of all bitcoiners, to the extent that any actual bitcoiner believes that bitcoin fixes everything rather than believing that bitcoin might assist to provide incentives to fix a lot of things... Sometimes there are valid reasons to exaggerate certain points, such as suggesting that bitcoin fixes everything, to allow acceptance and consideration of perhaps progressing in a more monetary responsible and monetary neutral direction, which bitcoin seems to incentivize, even if it could take a long time for a variety of sound money incentives to play out over 50 years or more... but bitcoin likely contributes to a positive direction and provides a sound money option that does not seem to exist to anywhere the same degree with other currently existing asset classes.