True bitcoiners follow the advice of Mr. Nakamoto and use a new address each time, so it's hard to assess
real numbers. But let's assume that each day roughly 100'000 new users join us (110k is the extremum on Today the world population has been increased by 200'000 persons (350k born, 150k died). Tomorrow 200k will become 201k, then 202k and so on. Each day number of NON-bitcoiners becomes higher. Looks like a Zeno's paradox, doesn't it?
If you select the log scale you will see the trend-line shows the number of Bitcoin users doubling every year. I am fairly certain the world population is growing at slower rate. Looks like there was a large peak in the spring. They'll be back.
The OP whole argument is that the world population is growing faster. Only one problem ... it isn't. World population growth is on the order of ~1.2% per year and the growth rate has been declining for the past 70 years. OP also seems to number of unique addresses used DAILY (not total # of unique addresses) is the best metric for Bitcoin users. Ok lets say for the sake of the argument it is.×pan=all&show_header=true&daysAverageString=7&scale=0&address=Jan 09 ~100 unique addresses per day
Aug 13 ~64,000 unique addresses per day
That is an annual growth rate of ~630%.
Over the same period of time the global population changed from:
July 09 - 6.83B
Aug 13 - 7.17B
That is an annual growth rate of ~1.5% (lets say 2%)
Last time I checked 630% annual growth is greater than 2% annual growth.
I don't think "number of unique addresses used DAILY" indicates that the OP thinks it does but lets assume 1 address used daily = 1 user. That would assume on average each user makes 1 blockchain tx everyday which is probably at least 1 or 2 magnitudes too high. I make a lot of blockchain tx and it averages to a a lot less than 1 per day. Still for the sake of the argument lets assume 1 unique address per day = 1 active Bitcoin user.
2009 - 100 Bitcoin users vs 6.83B global population. 1 in 68,300,000 persons is a Bitcoin user.
2013 - 64,000 Bitcoin users vs 7.17B global population. 1 in 112,000 persons is a Bitcoin user.
Looks like growth to me.