Bitcoin is changing the way we live.
Bitcoin is changing the way we do business.
Bitcoin is changing the way we travel and save our money/assets.
Bitcoin and blockchain technology has open new doors for people to do business with one another without the intervention of third parties.
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It is impossible not to perceive and about potential impact of the cryptocurrency on banks and the industry. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which is jointly owned by the world's leading central banks, noted in 2015 that bitcoin could interrupt the ability of central banks to exercise control over the economy and issue money. To date, many central banks closely monitor the development of Bitcoin. Some of them have proposed the release of a digital version of their currency. For example, the central banks of Canada and Ecuador are among the first to study such opportunities. An example of Venezuela with the release of its cryptocurrency Petro. In recent years, the influence of Bitcoin has led to changes in various industries. Bitcoin began to accept as payment basically the companies working on the Internet. The company Cheapname, which provides services including the registration of domain names, accepts Bitcoins as a method of payment. Other digital companies, such as WordPress, which provide resources for creating professional and private blogs, accept Bitcoin. The company Steam - a distributor of computer games and a common gaming platform - also accepts cryptocurrencies. Success has even brought Bitcoin from the digital into the real world. Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Galactic, known for his penchant for research and development and everything modern, takes Bitcoin as a payment method. The same applies to the car company - Tesla and its founder Elon Musk, who also accepts Bitcoin. Thanks to the appearance of Bitcoin, the world will no longer be the same!