Bitcoin is changing the way we do business.
Bitcoin is changing the way we travel and save our money/assets.
Bitcoin and blockchain technology has open new doors for people to do business with one another without the intervention of third parties.
What do you make of this, huh? Share with us what you think. thanks
Yeah, it was really cool back in the days before segwit and Lightning network, side-chain banking.
Sidechains are the governments DREAM. Something which can be controlled, and tracked. Blockstream recently said in their investor letter that Sidechains will implement KYC/AML and no longer allow semi-anonymity that Bitcoin used to give. KYC/AML means taxes — and full control over every transaction and who is who. A libertarian’s nightmare.
So, bitcoin did change the world, and now bitcoin changed and we are on our way back to the traditional banking again.
Worst thing, many here are cheering on this.