If you all still hope that bitcoin will recover, what are you doing here, at the altcoins forum, instead of the main forum branch, specifically the ordinals thread? I've been seeing such recovery hopes from the very beginning of ordinals, like "just wait a week and it will all be gone", "it's just a hype, just wait a few more weeks", "just wait a month or two", etc. And I am watching the mempool size, and I see 100MB, 200MB, 300MB, and no recovery. And the blockchain is rapidly transforming from a transaction database into a modern
art trash database. How long do you suggest to wait further? You are not even suggesting any resistance plans (or speaking about any resistance happening without our help), you are suggesting to just wait and hope.
No, thanks. I've been waiting enough, this is a made decision for me. I wasn't asking if there is hope for bitcoin recovery. I was asking, and I am still asking, which altcoin is better, which one meets the 4 criteria better.
And please don't suggest ETH, it was an utter garbage from the very beginning, with it's dreadful for privacy idea of "reputation of addresses". And if I remember correctly, the NFT attack was originally introduced and tested (and is still ongoing) exactly there, before the production-run on bitcoin.
zcash is not a currency of privacy, and here you will find yourself between Dash, which offers acceptable privacy in exchange for ease of use, and Monero, which represents better privacy with difficulty in use.
Thank you for the only comment that actually tries to answer my question. Could you be more specific? What are the main privacy issues/attack vectors with zcash? What are the priacy flaws of dash (that make you call it's pivacy just "acceptable" in contrast with monero's "better" privacy)?
PS I don't care about legality. Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrenies were de facto illegal and politically incorrect from the very beginning, and it was, and it is just a matter of time when it becomes illegal de jure, unless the governments finds a way to destroy crypto differently, with the NFT attacks, for example. All legal life available is rapidly shrinking to pray on SJWs, repent, and beg for their forgiveness. We all will be illegal people very soon (and de facto we already are), the question is, how to survive that. The question is not, which cryptocurrencies the SJWs will mercifully permit, the question is, which cryptocurrencies are able to resist.