This is entertaining
All moa said was:
Females will catch on to bitcoin after it becomes a reliable measure of male desirability .... in an average female population sense that is ... generally they follow the crowd, not lead and seek comfort and security in peer re-enforcement of their choices
Which in my opinion and experience is a very accurate observation. So when RobertFawcett tried to tell him/her it's not, I disagreed.
Women are physically weeker and not technically-minded. They make allies with men so they can "survive" - that's a simple social contract. They've been doing it for centuries and will be doing far into the future. This is how we evolved. Why is it so difficult to accept ourselves for who we are?
Sorry, I don't participate in mass delusions
Technically, what was said is true. It's also a huge oversimplification. Being factual isn't the same thing as being accurate.
I could say men need to buy razors because men shave their beards. That would be true, but it's not accurate because it doesn't take other factors into consideration. (Women shave legs and armpits). Yeah, that is a strange analogy, but the point is some statements are far too general to be of any practical use. Not only is it useless, it's mean. I could say Bitcoin will become appealing to black people when they realize they can use it to buy cocaine, weapons, and prostitues. You wouldn't be able to say I am factually wrong, but you would be able to say I'm being inflammatory for no good reason.
We all know that money plays a role in sex. Men with money are more sexually desirable, and there are men who want money for that reason. But we all know that money is used for plenty of other things, and since most people only spend a portion of their living finding and choosing a spouse, perhaps those other uses for money are more important. Someone explain to me why it's a good idea to reduce something as complicated as economics down to sex only.
One thing I don't like about this attitude is it dismisses the importance of women as consumers. In many families women control most of the purchasing decisions, and the difference between male and female income becomes smaller every day.