are you really this fucking retarded?
here let me give you the retarded thread of the year award
Well good afternoon to you too, sir.
I think OP is making some valid points. Usage is the next challenge. All fair and well to sit on
a pile of BTC worth alot of FIAT in your head, but it's the FIAT Bitcoin can finally rid us off.
Therefor we need to eventually start using the damn things for buying stuff, paying labour, all
the things we now use FIAT for.
Also, the point he make saturation might already have happened is also possible. Maybe the masses
will not like the system and won't use it. Then this is the BTC-economy size right now. I personally
don't think this is the case. I think it'll get much wider adoption, regarded that the learning curve for most
people is still tough. Try to get average Joe making a cold wallet.