There seem to be quite a few people in the thread repeating the same general theme:
Well I would like to also point out that if the 21 million cap limit was increased then what we have is no longer Bitcoin.
Even if 99.97% of the users still call it "Bitcoin" it won't be Bitcoin to me. It would be a PoS coin. Not proof-of-stake, but piece-of-shit.
Same for me. The rules were set in stone, anything that raises the total amount of coins is a scam and not Bitcoin.
The day someone raises the 21 mio limit, is the day that bitcoin will crash in price. SO many will get out at that point because it's the whole idea behind btc.
The day we change the 21 million limit is the day bitcoin becomes valueless. I would divest at least 90% of my coins and move into gold.
Not that this is going to happen.
But RoftheN hits the nail on the head with this:
There will always be people who will only support a bitcoin with 21 million coins. Even if there's weekly forks of bitcoin with more supplies, those forks/chains can be ignored and us 21bitcoin supporters will always support the true 21 million coin blockchain. Even if it has 8MB or 40MB blocksizes and other upgrades, as long as the supply is not increased.
This couldn't be more right. People trying to change the cap wouldn't be some foregone conclusion. The only way you can change the supply is a hardfork and a hardfork means there will always be a 21 million supply chain we could continue using. One would naturally assume that the chain with the raised supply and the money printing would be a minority fork. But even if it wasn't and we ended up in the perverse (and highly unlikely) situation that the 21 million supply chain was in the minority, there's still sheer bloody-minded belligerence to consider. And there are probably always going to be enough of us with such a mindset for that to count for something. I'd like to think we would continue to breathe life into our preferred chain, even if the odds were stacked against us.
For example, mining is generally the last thing I'd see myself doing in Bitcoin, but if there were ever a situation where the rest of the world went insane and decided to support a chain with a larger supply, even I'd seriously consider ordering some shiny new hardware and pointing it at a pool supporting the real thing. Whatever happens, it's never going to be unanimous, so it's merely a question of how far you're willing to go to defend your ideals. Those of you who would dump are free to do that, but my first instinct would be to fight it and trust the market to see sense in due time. Plus, if they ever did go down the route of money printing, sooner or later, that chain will inevitably crash and burn, no matter how much support it might have. So I'm certain that, in some form or another, there will
always be a 21 million cap.
As we've already established, it's not a mathematical limit, but a
principled one. And in some ways, principles can prove stronger.