Wow, nice to hear. Is spain the first country that officially announced this?
Ya, I think Germany was first; it announced that Bitcoin would be treated the same as a foreign currency, which is largely the same rules: Tax on stuff bought and sold with it, but no tax for exchanging it.
How would they tax on stuff bought and sold with it? what kind of stuff? what is the required price where you start getting taxed?
if they buy a smartphone they will get taxed or what?
it change from country to country, but usually for small stuff or no expensive , they can't tax, and they won't because they will lose more money than the one gained from taxation
control who evade isn't free like maybe someone think...
How would they tax on stuff bought and sold with it? what kind of stuff? what is the required price where you start getting taxed?
if they buy a smartphone they will get taxed or what?
A company that sells you a smartphone (or anything else) has to pay VAT - with or without Bitcoin.
I dont mean about the company but the person buying.
Lets say you are spanish and you make 3 BTC with signature campaing or whatever, you withdraw with BTCpoint and want to use this cash to buy an iPhone.
Do you have to pay any taxes or something? how much can you withdraw without getting in trouble?
this amount is still low for being taxed, if bitcoin was still at its peak then it could be another story, but right now, you should be safe about taxation