Bitcoin's breakthrough is to have a decentralized network of "miners" sit in between us instead. Now, remember, these miners are trying to win new Bitcoins by solving computationally-taxing math problems. The clever part, though, is that in the process of doing so, they also create a public ledger of every single Bitcoin transaction, what's called the blockchain. That includes every Bitcoin that's ever been won, every Bitcoin that's ever been used, and every Bitcoin that's ever been transferred. So now we don't need a bank to know that I have the money I'm sending to you, and that I'm only sending it to you. The miners confirm all this. And the best part is that instead of having to pay the bank myself to do this, the system pays the miners in new Bitcoins.
This article make me scared about bitcoin, now i withdraw some BTC and keep on my Bank, i believe bitcoin will be BIGGEST Technology, but in price we can see it, price is very down than last year (stabil 300$)
What do you think about this article ?
I think the author is in really hurry to stop the bitcoins. Its really easy to criticize anything. Give bitcoins some time to get settled. Let more users flow in. Then we will see where does bitcoin go.