What happened when Gavin tried to fly from Minneapolis to New York City?
Prior to boarding the plane, he was detained for 14 hours in a bleak room with almost no human contact, his money was confiscated, had his rectum violated, body cavities emptied, and was starved until confessing to "defrauding the IRS" (this is not what the confession actually had written, though it was successfully argued by US prosecution that "developing a currency which is able to transfer over $5,000 worth of USD without reporting the transaction to the IRS" meant the same thing) at which point he was formally arrested, later sentenced to 5 years in prison. Upon the precedent being set that developing Bitcoin clients was a criminal action, gavin's "confession" was used to detain all other Bitcoin developers in the US, while non-US developers could not step foot on US soil without being arrested. The USG went after all websites hosting Bitcoin clients and related services, including successfully shutting down all exchanges and having MTux extradited for successful criminal prosecution. While Gavin was in prison, he was brutally raped by another man on two separate occasions and frequently had his milk carton tipped over during lunch. This did not faze him nearly as much as when he was released to find everything he knew had become devastatingly outdated, and it would take years just to become useful again, crushing his self-identity and creating a crushing sense of having fallen even further by being released. Bitcoin itself had been replaced by another dominant cryptocurrency which had, during the 5-year span of Gavin's imprisonment, been proven utterly flawed, at which point cryptocurrencies became almost unanimously thought of as a failed experiment. With such toxic associations, no cryptocurrency would ever again see any significant usage. Everyone Gavin loved had died while he was imprisoned, and Gavin killed himself within a few months after release, as is the unfortunate case with many released convicts.
Turned out Gavin did have a living cousin who sued the prison complex for allowing Gavin to be raped, but the court refused to hear the case. Gavin's cousin limped along the rest of his life with a crushed soul, having lost all belief in justice, and eventually died having made no significant contributions to society. Meanwhile, the USG expanded its assertions of legal rights over the rest of the world. A world-wide ban on "data obfuscation techniques" (which courts later ruled applied to everything from implementing SSL to using a VPS service) went into effect which led to effective USG control over not just domain names, but the Internet itself, as all ISPs of UN-nations were forced to comply. Worldwide, revolts occurred and were quashed by a new regime of governments seeking to eliminate undesirable citizens as a long-term plan for Order. Few nations were toppled, and the USG's effective dictatorship of the World lasted over 20 years before the "Greatest War" resulted in casualties which dwarfed those of the "Second Great War" (WWII).
- And everybody alive eventually died. They experienced no afterlife. The Earth eventually stopped existing in any recognizable form, and all human progress was lost, rendering all human existence meaningless less synapses in their brains which resulted in some form of enjoyable emotion/feeling - if you even believe that's meaningful. Existence ended up continuing on roughly 900 trillion-bazillion years after humans ceased to exist, but they have no knowledge of us, just as we have no knowledge of previous "Existence Cycles."