when handling only ~4k bundles of utxo at a time to fill a block, then they have to wait again... rather then constant stream every 10 minutes
think about it 6 blocks per hour .. 12 hours =72 blocks = 288000 bundles of utxo to perform a constant spam attack. compared to the only 4k utxo management required currently
so instead of 4k tx a block per 10 mins. which they just respend them over and over barrierless. meaning only managing 4k bundles of funds
to achieve a constant attack every 10 minutes with a 12 hour wait since last spend they would have to manage 288k bundles of funds and organising which ones to spend when..
thus more barriers to make thinks harder for spammers
also by spamming. all it does is raise their own prices. again not affecting the other uses costs..
i do find it funny how you dont think much into it and instead are too quick to dismiss it where you want spam to continue.
but hey you love high fee's as you hope it promotes people moving to subnetworks.. a thing you want people to use instead (as seen by many years experience of your desires to promote subnetworks as the solution to spam and high fees)
when reality is high fee's can be solved onchain
it is also funny how you promoted along with your clan that tx formats should have different fee rates.. but now you pretend different fee rates to solve a spam problem are suddenly in your mind too complicated
oh and by the way.. coin age uses less computations to set a premium. compared to the silly computations needed to calculate the weight cludge of serialisation