Oh, not another milliondollarwebpage clone again. This is the 2nd I've seen advertised here now..
nothing new about the format of the page, 'right.. we fell in love with that idea years ago, but when it happened to us to have the responsibility to manage the Bitcoin Museum, at this stage of history, we couldn't think about a different format.
too many are the analogies: the pixel and the coin, the board and the block, the scarcity, the apparent futility, the need of a certain faith to opt in, also to be born 'old skool', in a way... . . the centralization of the museum is only due to the client-server architecture of the web today...
we are not interested in the speculation, fluctuation, or usdllars side of the coin.. we just would like to humbly print out on a boards a cultural statement, a 'reliquia', and we feel that the right way in this is to call the actors to make an effort to be there. this is an important variable to it. to write on something you need the ink, and you must provide it.
eventually, if the responsibility will meet the circumstances, we will think about a bitcoin 'philantropic foundation', yes another one, and the actors who bought in on the pixels on the board today, will probably have a proportional influence to the space they will occupy, but this we can't promise. we don't know if we'll go any further. nobody knows with certainty the future of the btc.. it could climb to the moon, or crash in a pit of forgot... we hope all the best. and we at least will try our best not to let the museum go, as it happened to many websites and initiatives of the first bitcoin wave. a cemetery, 404 gravestones. so, 'ad majora', let this wave be to the success.
that page will be there for the next 50 years, and it will represent what happened in the past, today and hits future, on a wall, proportionally to the contribution enitities applied and felt they could bet, or 'spend' on them. never mind if it doesn't get filled, that would mean that the coins have not being perceived the way the board wants to represent.
If you love bitcoin, and you would bet on it, well, we feel that your contribution to that page is welcome in many ways.