Here is my mindset.
have both 2mb AND segwit to protect yourself and to be a true full node capable of validating anything that comes in the future. to avoid contention and control.
but personally make standard old fashioned transactions. .. and here is why
as you can see. if we stay at 1mb and blindly follow blockstreams roadmap. then the real full archival node POTENTIAL bloat of segwit is 1.9mb for 3800 transactions.
compared to 2mb block of old fashioned transactions being 4000tx for 2mb. (yes you may think its a small difference, but read on)
and if you then add on blockstreams other roadmap feature Confidential Payment Codes(CPC) which adds another 250bytes to each tx. then those 3800 transactions per 1mb block balloon upto 2.85mb
so if everyone done a SW+CPC transaction instead of a standard transaction. then they are filling up hard drives by nearly 3mb for just 3800 transactions.
yet if everyone done standard old fashioned transactions in a 2mb block. the blocks would only be 2mb each (at most) for4000 tx.. (instead of 2.85mb on the roadmap)
so i did laugh when blockstream shills doomsdayed the 2mb block being too much bloat. yet saying that the blockstream roadmap was not bloat.(hello wake up!! 1mb blockstream roadmap features =2.85mb potential bloat!, 2mb standard tx=2mb potential bloat.)
so with 2mb+SW+CPC code in EVERY node.. it can allow UPTO 5.7mb of bloat per block. BUT. as long as people only do and prefer to do standard transaction we can have 4000 tx for 2mb
if things bottleneck people can go to SW transaction types for 7600..(as a last resort/backup plan)
but i really hope blockstream doesnt force CPC as a standard feature. because not only would that over bloat the transactions. but no longer make the bitcoin transparant ledger as transparant. and people will no longer be able to fully validate the blockchain because the numbers dont add up. causing risks to bugs and hacks of creating newcoin.
blockstream are delaying 2mb for one reason. they want CPC invente first and to use the 2mb not as real capacity growth. but to cover the bloat caused by CPC.
dont blindly follow the roadmap. get the 2mb buffer in sooner and cover yourself for all future developments because a corporation forces you down a single lane of one way traffic heading towards a traffic jam.