Very smart move for Tradehill to acquire Great prime time advertisement.
I noticed that awsome advertising and thought it interesting. I wondered immediately if perhaps Napolitano or some of his minions were not an angel investor with Tradehill
If I had to be associated with Bruce Wagner or Faux News, I guess I would choose Faux. Even though Faux News is more repulsive even than Bruce, it's simply better advertising.
I have very little hope that almost any of the poor mouth-breathers who watch Fox News will have what it takes to protect themselves amongst the jackels in our little community. I just hope they
do go to Tradehill/ and that Kenna and company
do live up to my hopes of being solid individuals who will take an interest in doing some amount of education.
I'm a fairly happy customer of Tradehill and have done almost all of my Bitcoin related business with them, but I feel that it is a total shit-head move for them not to put a clear link to '' on their home page (unless they were asked not to for some reason.) This even when the do actually have some service there, but especially now when the do not.