You think? Okay, you are entitled to, but rumors have it that the gold has already been sold, and there is no gold in the vaults of Fort Konx any longer. Amazingly, the last audit of Fort Knox occurred in 1953, so there has been no audit in over 60 years. If they have nothing to hide (save for gold, of course), there should be no fear to allow an audit, right?
I heard of conspiracies that the gold was sold by the 6 big banks before the 2008 crisis.
However, i think that is foolish to believe, its far more likely that they just moved the gold out to their own vaults.
So basically a plain theft, they took out the gold from the national vault, and moved it to the IMF vaults or BIS vaults is much more likely.
I dont think they are so foolish the sell the gold if they also know their banking system is on the verge of collapse. They just hide it, and pretend that gold is bad, and scaremonger gold, to keep their system alive, but when the time comes , they are also prepared to use the gold as a collateral to save their skins.
Just like China and Russia buys gold, i bet the IMF and global bankers are not that foolish to not buy gold aswell.