The number of investors who were previously investing in gold and the current number of investors investing in bitcoin has a lot of difference. People are now interested in investing their money in bitcoin instead of gold or any other thing.
Bitcoin or Gold? such a good topic. I'd rather choose bitcoin than Gold. Why? because bitcoin really do help us, I guess gold too but right now I didn't hear the existence of gold. If ever gold right now exist then I choose bitcoin because eventhough you will hold bitcoin for how many years then you can gain money because bitcoin will continue to increase everyhour or everyday or I guess every month while gold? then try to find out. You can hold gold for how many years but it will never increase like bitcoin. So must choose bitcoin than gold because bitcoin will be our gold for the future. As we can see right now, technology is very popular that means we are in a digital era where the working process can be change. Bitcoin is our future and it can really help us secure our future lives or should I say it can help us change our lives forever but I guess it really depends on the person on what to do for them to change their lives forever.