Cryptocurrency investors have been pushed to move beyond Bitcoin (BTC).
for as long as altcoins existed,
bitcoin investors have been investing their
bitcoin in altcoins so that they could increase it. in fact one of the most popular ways that people mention as "ways to earn bitcoin" has always been trading altcoins.
With hundreds of altcoins to choose from and several seeing some massive gains thanks to the 2017 bull run, investors have had their pick of the litter when it comes to making speculative investments on what they believe would be the next big thing.
the thing about foolish thoughts such as this is that they never last long.
as you can see even if anybody was fooled into thinking this way back in 2017, they all know that it was a lie since for the past 2 years these altcoins have been dumping without pause or recovery.
Now we know why Bitcoin's dominance over other cryptocurrencies are overwhelming.
bitcoin is dominating without any competition because it is decentralized, secure, immutable and most important of all used in real world as a currency.
otherwise even if its price were performing bad it still would dominate the market.
It seems to me that institutions, companies and other organizations worldwide are paying their attention more on Bitcoin than Ethereum, Ripple or any other cryptocurrency out there. I mean that they're laser-focused, because it's the mother of all cryptocurrencies.
again same reasons as above.
for instance Microsoft accepts bitcoin but not ethereum, ripple,... because they don't want to see their payment reversed because these centralized altcions decided to roll back some blocks as they have done in the past..