Since the development of technology evolved quickly.
Online shopping site is more pratical than we went to the store.
There are various payment media like Bitcoin [Not all site/store using bitcoin payment method] , Credit Card , Wire Bank Transfer and other payment method.
I would like to ask do you think about a more secure payment , more secure Bitcoin payment or Credit Card payment method ?
I guess it depends on what you are searching for, and what your definition of security is. For me, and from a merely "usable" criteria, I consider BTC to be much more safer. There is no credit card number to be stolen etc, so if you own your private keys, only you can have access and make transactions from your bitcoin wallet. So I guess from that point of view, BTC is more secure (I wont even talk about privacy here, that is of course important when it comes to security).
For me, the only problems with the use of BTC, are the sites that offer the service itself. You are in a higher risk of being scammed, specially because the transactions are irreversible, so once you spent your coins, it will be almost impossible to get them back if the merchant is not honest. When using Paypal, or neteller, or even Visa, if things go wrong, there is a good chance that you can get your money back (I already got "saved" a few times using Paypal, and when things went wrong I got my money back).