Bitcoin volatility today is crazy, 50-70% pumps and dumps are a normal thing and it will only get worse.
Most on chain action is from trading bots and ordinals spam, it's usage as money has been dropping for a long time and LN usage has been dropping as well.
It's a technological asset, they mature a lot faster and I would say it is very old in tech world and so financial opportunity is small.
The difference between investor and gambler is that investor has it's rules, gambler has it's prayers.
All I see in this post are prayers.
I wish you all that Bitcoin pumps to $1 million USD but for me wishes are not good enough to stand on.
I need solid ground for investing and seeing as Bitcoin is losing it's utility as payment processor to other projects I just don't see it as a good investment anymore.
Chart patterns are not enough to convince me into investing, I need solid proof that this technology is better than the competition or otherwise I just invest in the competition.
You may have other views on investing but it has been working for me for a very long time and I am happy with my results.
I don't put money where my heart is, I put money where the future is and it's not Bitcoin.