What if someone found the key and spent the btc to another wallet ( i know, pubkey...) but with a super high tx fee, like extremely high.
Which key? puzzle key? 66?
If the 66 key is spent it may enter in some bot fight each one will increase the fees compared to other until there is nothing left to spent but the final result is unknown
Not always the higher fee wins, chek my previous reply to this:
All depens of what is the transaction that the miner selected to work with his hardware.
I tried to import a private key into bitcoin core but i got this error :
Only legacy wallets are supported by this command (code -4)
what should i do now?
If you don't show what command do you used, then there is no way to know what is wrong.
What kind of address are you trying to import? it looks like it is not a legacy one.
I tried to test this:
HEX fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364140
WIF(c) L5oLkpV3aqBjhki6LmvChTCV6odsp4SXM6FfU2Gppt5kFLaHLuZ9
WIF(u) 5Km2kuu7vtFDPpxywn4u3NLpbr5jKpTB3jsuDU2KYEqetqj84qw
by this command : importprivkey
Finally i found how to import wallets, but whats this error now... errors killing me haha
importdescriptors "[{\"desc\": \"wpkh(L5oLkpV3aqBjhki6LmvChTCV6odsp4SXM6FfU2Gppt5kFLaHLuZ9)#c9eja2dd\", \"timestamp\": 0}]"
"success": false,
"error": {
"code": -1,
"message": "Rescan failed for descriptor with timestamp 0. There was an error reading a block from time 1711177032, which is after or within 7200 seconds of key creation, and could contain transactions pertaining to the desc. As a result, transactions and coins using this desc may not appear in the wallet. This error could be caused by pruning or data corruption (see bitcoind log for details) and could be dealt with by downloading and rescanning the relevant blocks (see -reindex option and rescanblockchain RPC)."