I want to make sure from something about binary and public key. So I need a script to see what happens when we add 2 to the public key A and see the results of B . If what I think works I will share with everyone my idea, that's all
Ok, so again, still confusing, at least to me.
You want to take a known public key "A" and add decimal number 2, to it, and see what the results are, "B"?
Yes, something like this
I want to make sure from something about binary and public key. So I need a script to see what happens when we add 2 to the public key A and see the results of B . If what I think works I will share with everyone my idea, that's all
Ok, so again, still confusing, at least to me.
You want to take a known public key "A" and add decimal number 2, to it, and see what the results are, "B"?
Basepoint G: (55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240L, 32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424L)
Alice's secret key: 17436825491055586112755527818298542034755947930418580382030036978914692463183
Alice's public key: (105679268965026450260338478364512614840272341529552480851333141374575362812020L, 16626610969520910407950657067133267950619549449019363437330088722436240164467L)
Bob's secret key: 32291818723468099298317452759803795679231875044644200373977689553806184529332
Bob's public key: (91972152888645730114115627070016955368567223430226022010551427574648772204461L, 38446745167120461740412855329188667802416705205856357237503216472671667494148L)
=========Now we compare if same =================
(Alice Private+Bob Private)*G (101985652621362431772155823262934243650512147323486167826619770748482854554391L, 55338466074231142921426831718703469030196983642662166495910251269532062902125L)
Alice Public+Bob Public (101985652621362431772155823262934243650512147323486167826619770748482854554391L, 55338466074231142921426831718703469030196983642662166495910251269532062902125L)