Thanks. Btw...We don't need such a long seed lenght - even 9 gets the job done.
// Seed
if (seed.length() == 0) {
// Default seed
seed = Timer::getSeed(9);
if (paranoiacSeed) {
seed += Timer::getSeed(9);
New Seed begins with a capital letter
//Set startKey from Seed
int BitL = Random_bits - 1;
int BitU = Random_bits;
Int *Sk = new Int[1];
if (Seed.length() > 0) {
// from Seed
getKeysFromRandomSeed(BitL, BitU, true, 1, Sk);
printf("[i] startKey.Set() from Seed: %s \n", Seed.c_str());
delete [] Sk;
// argv Seed
if (Seed.length() == 0) {
// Default seed
seed = Timer::getSeed(32);// random seed
} else {
seed = Seed;// -s seed
Bit 15 Base Key thId 6: 58C0 < 80000 or > FFFFF Rekey true
Seed: 31C0F9E7B08DB7B945
Seed: B79E1E04AAAC8DC9CE
Bit 20 CPU Base Key thId 11: A2C56
Bit 18 Base Key thId 6: 31A34 < 80000 or > FFFFF Rekey true
Seed: 50363FA8E9EA517136
Bit 20 CPU Base Key thId 6: BF3E0
cp: cannot create regular file '../drive/MyDrive/Result.txt': No such file or directory
Addr :1HsMJxNiV7TLxmoF6uJNkydxPFDog4NQum
!!! Result.txt Found key: D2C55
!!! Result.txt Found key: D2C55
!!! Result.txt Found key: D2C55
!!! Result.txt Found key: D2C55
!!! Result.txt Found key: D2C55
If we get lucky.
Yep...If we get lucky that the same seed works on any puzzle above 65
from tqdm import tqdm
import secp256k1 as ice
# Define the start and end
start = 0x20000000000000000
end = 0x3ffffffffffffffff
# Define the chunk size
chunk_size = 10_000_000
# Initialize the current start and end values
current_start = start
current_end = start + chunk_size
# Initialize the chunk number
chunk_number = 1
while current_start < end:
current_end = min(current_end, end)
# Create a tqdm progress bar for the current chunk
with tqdm(total=current_end - current_start, desc=f'Chunk {chunk_number} end {current_end}') as pbar:
for x in range(current_start, current_end):
h160 = ice.privatekey_to_h160(2, True, x)
if bytes.fromhex('20d45a6a762535700ce9e0b216e31994335db8a5') in h160:
with open("KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt", "a") as f:
f.write(str(x) + "-" + (h160.hex()) + "\n")
# Update the current_start and current_end for the next chunk
current_start = current_end
current_end += chunk_size
chunk_number += 1
Chunk 1 end 36893488147429103232: 22%|█████████████ | 2173663/10000000 [00:32<01:58, 65952.81it/s]
About 2 minutes for 10 million hashes. Single core.
These are all games for small children, no matter how you turn the ball, the result is small..