A cartoon is a brilliant idea!
Are you making it in paint because of the challenge?
It helps spread the world really well because if one image speaks more than one thousand words, then imagine a lot of images one after another in rapid succession. I really like cartoons personally, you're never too young or too old to watch some once in a while.
I am making it in Paint because that's the only way I can think of to make a cartoon animation :p I appreciate the kind comment
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I advise you to buy a graphics tablet. At least the cheapest. This will improve the graphics in your videos very well.
Then try improving your sound. You can try software editors for sound (Audacity for example). You can remove background noise and make your voice more pleasant. I like your idea. And how you implemented it. It is only necessary to improve the technical part little bit.
I have gotten the Audacity suggestion a few times, and for the next video, it will be used. Thanks for the suggestions, they will be used in order to improve every video. I do think the voice and graphics are a problem for the videos, but hopefully, if the content and story are good it will give me enough time to win everyone over as I improve the quality of the videos. I only released two videos, they will get better!
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