Money is not bad; it's just a tool used for medium of exchange and store of value.
Smart people who work, automatically want to save their labour in some form of money.
Saving money is important because it acts as insurance for the future.
And, I truly believe that savings and money is important for the survival of humans.
There is a much more valuable commodity we could be exchanging. The commodity being energy. Happiness, peace.
Imagine being paid in gratitude. And buying goods in gratitude. Imagine a society that shares as one giant family, people would have more peace than ever before.
While money is not good nor bad, it is a tool that facilitates greed. It corrupts the mind, for it's very purpose is to wager possessions. So long as we limit ourselves with greed, we will not experience the limitless positivity that each of us is capable of feeling. As long as you can buy another man's soul for the benefit of your own wealth, corruption will exist.
People were greedy before money existed, therefore money didn't make people greedy.
Your vision of a society based on gratitude can only function in small tribes or communities.
It's not possible on a global scale, which is why bitcoin exists.