In my opinion the Bitcoin foundation was supposed to promote Bitcoin, with the funding provided by the community. It seems as though the foundation was created to create job opportunities for people to earn a salary and not to promote Bitcoin. If we have to tolerate a centralized organization for Bitcoin, then they have to add value to the community. Lately the only promotion being done, seems to be 3rd grade videos on Youtube by individuals.
Everyone seem to wait for the Bitcoin price to go up, and they are not joining efforts to promote it. ^hmmmm^
i and people i know have spent/done alot to promote bitcoin and go around the world talking about it over the last few years. brushing away all the hype and glossy stuff.. and seeing how public opinion has changed over the years. in the end..
bitcoin is not ready
it has nothing to do with the market price. its about bitcoin utility and how bitcoin is not meeting the original vision set out in 2008-2013.
developing countries: tx fee has the cost of an hours minimum wage
developing countries: lack of easy gateways to buy bitcoin
developing countries: lack of places to spend/sell bitcoin
developing countries: mpesa is more user friendly
developed countries: waiting 10 minutes+ for confirms is not good in a grocery store
developed countries: not good for spending on daily real life needs (baked beans and toilet roll)
developed countries: applepay or NFC visa cards are more user friendly
yes bitcoin has many many advantages compared to the native fiat system, but when you wipe away the overglossing of benefits and talk to real people that want to USE it for real reasons (not hoarders) bitcoin lacks what mainstream wants.
but hey lets just see all the sig spammers ignore bitcoins lackings, and just talk about hyping bitcoin while showing the $$ signs in their eyes. talking of their hope to overgloss issues purely for speculating a $$ rise for a $$ payday when they exit.