Why can't you generate a polling section and confirm that nitrogensports.eu is the best. I too haven't encountered any issues with the site for which I cannot say it's the best. Because one which gets the majority polling can be considered the best unlike the features it provides. Looking your activities it gives a feel that you're getting paid from the concern site to promote them.
Great idea, I'll try and figure out how to do a poll. Know of a way to keep it in the thread? I don't get paid from any of them besides their general affiliate commissions. Thanks to anyone who's signed up through any of them. I mentioned this in post one a few years ago... Ha I wish I did get paid though...
Nitrogen is #1 on the rankings from the accumulated scores users have given. Before DirectBet went away it was between those two for the past few years.
As for my signature... That's because Nitrogen is absolutely my favorite personally. I've been using them since 2013 as you can see I'm user 183 there which I believe is actually first 100 customers (99 saved for admins). I've never had any issues there and I trust them over any of the others.
Doesnt mean I wouldnt switch though... I try others periodically, but feel like there have been no newcomers worth realistically changing over. Surprising there isn't much competition with so much damn money in bitcoin.