Too convoluted system. Not anonymous at all (you have to give your ID card to participate).
Their website is down for the last few days (maybe Orthodox Easter holidays). ( You could find some of their page in Google Cache and then translate them but many things will be lost in the translation.
It's a zero sum currency. There are as many TEM debits as there are TEM credits at any time. The fact that everyone has a 300 TEM credit limit (they cannot spend more than that without acquiring some), makes it inflationary by design.
Examples given suggest that this is a mediocre attempt to revitalize the local economy, without much of actual value. They suggest that shops should give a discount in Euros and collect the discounted amount in TEM. Too easy to cheat with this. Apart from personal barter of products and services, it doesn't offer much of a benefit.
No talk of security measures for their "centralised database" of transactions. If it grows enough it will soon be the target of the University of Volos Computer Department. Or the government itself. Too easy to kill.
That's my first view. I'll try to monitor it (f they come back online) and report more here.