I don't understand nothing from your post. Even after reading it several times. So bitcoins is a great currency (ok). Then this quality (great currency) become its disadvantage because gamblers and porn industry are using it. Then this use is being disadvantage even for the industries cited in the last sentence. I don't understand why. I can find in any word this "why". Then this disadvantage hinders the uniqueness of btc. And the end something needed to be done in this direction. Great end. Full of meaning. Even I don't understand the direction in which must be done something the end of post is great. Big words. Touch the heart.
Can you clarify this post please? I want to understand am I the stupid which is unable to understand your deep thoughts or are you the fox who want to have one more post to be paid?
Show me please that I have wrong....
Or you are a bot like the numerous ones launched by your signature campaign...