There’s simply an extreme lack of education about Bitcoin, and the blockchain and how they work. If the newbies knew how they work, just in the introductory level, I believe they would understand why Bitcoin is the way it is, or why the Core developers chose the design-decisions the way the did. It’s not simply “let’s make Bitcoin like BNB”.
we know you skilled a few lessons
ASICS do not touch transactions. dont calculate transactions. are not burdened by transactions
ASICS do the same job whether the block is full or empty.
transaction numbers mean nothing to asics
cost of mining is based on asic hardware and electric cost. NOT transactions
a tx complexity of validation is less than a couple miliseconds of one standard PC. so the 'cost' of computation is not even 1cent of electric.
if your electric is 6cents/kwh then a block of 2500tx is about couple seconds. so again not even 1 cent
again the transaction fee has no correlation to mining cost.
the fee is not about mining. its about auctioning space.
but instead of allowing more space to allow lower fee's
1000tx at $2 =same as 4000tx at $0.50($2k=$2k)
the FAKE plan is 'we need to give more fee's to miners because the coin reward is depleting
again. allowing more transactions give this 'more fees' without stifling usage
the future should not be $4 average now $8 next halving $16next halving $32 next halving
it should be 2500 average tx now 5000tx next halving 10k tx next halving 20k tx next halving
and yes 4tb hard drive in will cover 2500tx (1mb) for 70 years
5000tx (2mb) for 35 years
10k tx(4mb) for 17 years
20k tx(8mb) for 8 years
a 4tb hard drive can handle 10k transactions a block for 17 years. by which time you would have upgraded your pc before then anyway. so its a non issue to cry that 10k transactions are too much
as for bandwidth
a ~ 500mb download a day(1-2node block repeat of 144 blocks + transactions)
=3.5mb every 10 minutes = .35mb a minute = 0.0058mb/s
even the most basic adsl offers more then that. it offers 0.5mb/s
so basic internet offers 100x more then download requirement to get blocks
(its why 12 years of data does not take 12 years. nor 1.2year. nor 1.5month)
as for uploading if your an open peer wanting to participate in the relay network.
average is ~10x that.. so still a 10x buffer..
meaning even on the most basic adsl connection. 8mb per 10min is not a problem
and please dont you even dare come back with a rebuttal that bitcoin is designed to work on a XP computer with 500gb hard drive. using dialup.. and saying anything above will kill the network
(as per your mantra in other topics)
.. the core devs have already said 4mb blocks are not a network killer. 4tb hard drives will not kill your debit card
ADSL wont break your twist dial oldy home phone
and devs have already said they will no longer support aged systems
so knowing that bitcoin is supposed to function with windows 7+ computing,adsl(devs request) not XP, diaup(your 'conservative' lunacy request)
means you need to stop trying to say that bitcoin needs to be conservative to XP based hardware(per your other comments in other topics) because you beleive stifling(conserving outdated limits) is in bitcoins benefit
we already know that its not in bitcoins benefit. it makes less users want to use bitcoin.
less desire to use the blockchain is what will centralise the network more (common sense logic)
it only benefits the groups in control of sidechains and altcoins that can profit out of bitcoins limitations
again. realise that transaction counts per block do not affect the cost of mining.
if unsure get a ASIC and review its function. and realise transactions do not get processed by asics
in short
we should have moved to 5k plus average tx count per block 4 years ago and be at a 10k tx average block today.. meaning transactions should be ~2-4x less than now