So I had a great holiday season all with the help of Bitcoin I came from an underdeveloped country where the rate of unemployment is pretty high and many youths are left to do some hard jobs just to survive even graduates with University degrees have no paying jobs I got to know about this forum some months ago and since then my financial life was transformed and the Christmas happens to be my best I can now earn little money to take care of my financial needs all with the help of Bitcoin-related jobs both on this forum and off the forum. BITCOIN IS A SAVIOR
Being the top student in your respective course in a university doesn’t guarantee you success in real life. You can still struggle or ended up being jobless. It reminds me of a story years ago, where a girl who is a valedictorian after graduating in college have ended up as a saleslady earning low wage.
This is the problem of the school system nowadays. They are mind setting us to study hard, get good grades and get a good job with benefits after you graduate. Of course good job, but what are the chances? Let’s say a few valedictorians are competing each other to get a manager position of a company, only one will pass and the rest will just keep searching. Every year, there are new valedictorians with so many universities around the corner.
As for me, I’m a nobody.
I’m a huge disappointment to my parents, my sisters and my friends because I was never being serious in my studies. I ended up almost getting kicked out twice because of so many failing grades. I was underestimated by a lot of people. Even if I did graduated after 6 1/2 years, I am still a disappointment. I’ve struggled to find my footing after college. My family didn’t like my direction because I wanted to work from home as a virtual assistant.
Even though I’ve earned, but not on a consistent basis and struggling to save money for years. I also tried network marketing, but I’ve spent more than what I have earned. Yeah I am a total disappointment.
Until Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have entered into my life and it’s a big breakthrough for me. It turned my life around, paying my debts, giving back to my family, traveling around the Philippines and abroad before the pandemic, etc. Now even during the pandemic, I’ve gained my footing by becoming a crypto Youtuber and podcaster. Not an easy journey, but totally worth it and I’ve started feeling the fruits of my labor until now.
It’s not just upgrading my life financially and can afford such things like setting up my home studio, investing on health and more crypto assets, etc., but also made me grow as a person learning to be humble and staying low key.