For a lot of criminals Bitcoins are the perfect tool to launder money or not? Almost no trace but still they have to explain how they got the money once they convert it back into dollars....
Will this become (or already is) a problem? I'm thinking that the anonymity will be a problem for a lot of governments once BTC becomes a well know payment method.
It should not be a proplem if ppl actually understood how btc works. bitcoin is not anonymous:
Even bitcoin devs said that using bitcoin for illegali things is stupid:
Bitcoins ARE traceable [Interview with Jeff Garzik] | 2011
"its pretty blib and dumb to do a lot of illegal transactions on bitcoin when it's so easily traceable [4:33]"
I agree with you. Every imput can be traced back all the way to it's generation in block reward. If we (average users) can trace back with somewhat success, just imagine
what someone who's doing it professionaly could do.
On top of that, regulations could ask for bitcoin addresses to be registered in order to be used legally (I find this the logical step if there's continued bashing on bitcoin)
Its more about proving who owned what BTC at what time than tracing back anything. The BTC tracked change hand all the time, maybe hundreds of time. The problem is not telling that at X point there was a crime committed with those coins.
Its that you can't prove that the person who cashed it out is the one that committed the crime. Unless he is retarded anyways.