Barnwood Naturals LLC has a domain located at http://www.barnwoodnaturals.com/. They put in a lot of time and effort to build their brand and may not be too keen on pasting some generic Bitcoin address onto their sleek looking website or business cards. But if it were possible for them to generate their address like 1BarnwoodNaturalsLLCat5035803900ph, which upon clicking (or inserting) redirects to their real address, no matter how ugly it looks, they may be more inclined to embrace Bitcoin.
In fact, in this case the 1 is not even needed. Nor does the address need to be restricted to exactly 34 characters, although a limit should be set (40?), as well as what other characters can be used (_-*^$()#@, etc.).
If this were possible, then we may be able to see the following:
If paying with Bitcoin, please use BarnwoodNatualsLLC(ph)503-580-3900. (upon clicking, a form is generated showing the actual address for client's records and a place to input their address for payment processing)
Other examples of how the newly created address would look:
Design the site so that it's very easy for a person to get their Bitcoin vanity address. The ONLY requirement needed to create their one-of-a-kind address is that they have to already have a real Bitcoin address that has already been used at least once and registered in the Blockchain.
I believe that the more personal Bitcoin is, the more people will embrace and use it.
~Bruno K~
I had thought about a system like that earlier- it's in one of forum posts. The trick is- what does the magic of "upon clicking, a form is generated"? A phone book like DNS? Some sort of hash? It's difficult to say.