If we are going to do it, I would like to do it right.
I just registered the domain name www.bitcoinchipin.com
The landing page will have instructions for how it works.
The user will input:
1. Their target amount in BTC or USD
2. The Bitcoin address to be used
3. The title for the chipin
The user can click "submit" and be provided with the HTML code
that they can copy and paste wherever they want to display the chipin.
The output will display:
1. Title of the chipin
2. Amount received in USD or BTC
3. Target amount in USD or BTC
4. A graph showing the percentage amount currently reached towards the goal.
5. The Bitcoin payment address
6. A link to learn more about Bitcoins www.weusecoins.org
7. Anything else I am forgetting.
The service will need to be professionally hosted, and reliable if we expect people to use it.
I'm willing to pay for the domain name and hosting, but I will need help with everything else.
Please let me know if you would like to revise your quote.