The problem with altcoins is they were all created by for-profit private enterprises for the purpose of enriching the founders and early investors.
They all have endless supply or nearly endless supply where the founders, VCs and devs issue themselves 80 to 99 per cent of the supply,
print new tokens whenever they feel like it, and dump on retail idiots (err I mean investors) whenever they feel like it.
Those who have little to no understanding what they are throwing their money into are left holding the bag.
When you have crap like dogecoin, pepecoin, fartcoin, etc. with billions in marketcap you know you have reached the pinnacle of insane,
off the chart levels of mass stupidity.
Tulip mania could certainly be used to describe the shitcoin/altcoin market. But at least tulips are something that have some actual value.
Altcoins are little more than a high-tech recreation of the traditional fiat money system, but with qualities that make them much worse than fiat.
They are little more than high-tech Ponzi schemes masquerading as "technological innovation." In other words, modern-day snake oil.