capital $118,038,167,261
price $6,962.42
circulating 16,953,612
volume last 24 hrs $4,671,340,000
Bitcoin Cash
capital $11,306,077,844
price $663.06
circulating 17,051,288
volume last 24 hrs $286,801,000
On every count Bitcoin beats Bitcoin Cash so the question arises, what was the point of creating Bitcoin Cash? Apart from making very rich bitcoin holding people even more wealthier by creating Bitcoin Cash and adding to their portfolio it seems that there was no need for it. I hear about transactions fees and groups of devs so on being better at Bitcoin Cash but in all honestly what was the point?
Did all those advocating the demise of Bitcoin actually exchange all their BTC for BCH? I doubt it.
To me it seems Bitcoin was always going to come out on top of that battle so why did those whales pushing for the fork really do it and create Bitcoin Cash?
Why not? Think about yourself, you are an influential person in a cryptocommunity, you have a large amount of btc on your wallet, but that's not enough for you. It seems to me everything is logical, just Ver wanted to raise as much money as possible.
Multiple developers defected to Bcash, these developers used the bitcoin blockchain in the early days to hide their criminal transactions.
They were interviewed by intelligence agencies and the Council for foreign relations. They had connections to Rich associates who had connections to Politicians, Banks etc.
Deals were made and crimes were committed.
Once they created their Angel Investor - Roger ver, they went out and created all types of projects with their ill gotten gains.
They want the blockchain removed as it keeps proof of these crimes, the blockchain is under attack but at the moment largely the attacks are unsuccessful.
Who supports Bcash
Craig Wright
Roger Ver
Who advised everyone Mtgox was Ok, even on video, 6 months after helping Mark Karpeles, Mt Gox goes down
The great thing, yes they are being hunted, law enforcement is looking into the blockchain, transactions, nodes and users that made those transactions.