Fact: in 1825, aluminum was worth 1500(!) times more expensive than iron, and in 1852 its price rose above the price of gold and amounted to $ 1,200 per kilogram.
Once upon a time a foreigner came to the Roman Emperor Tiberius (42 B.C.-87 A. D.). He presented as a
gift to the Emperor a bowl that he had made from metal shining like silver but extremely light. The craftsman revealed that he knew how to obtain this metal, which was unknown to all, from clay. The sense of gratitude probably rarely burdened Tiberius, and as a ruler he was not very far-seeing. Being afraid that the new metal, having
wonderful properties, would lessen the value of the gold and silver stored in the treasury, the Emperor ordered that
the inventor's head be chopped off and his workshop destroyed so that no one could be taught to produce this
"dangerous" metal. This history, related by the ancient historian, Pliny the Elder, has brought us information on the
first and, unfortunately, not quite pleasant acquaintance of man with aluminum.
Since then, someone has found an easy way to mine aluminum
What do I mean by that? If they find an easy way to mine gold? What then?