BitcoinAdSmart is the newest Bitcoin advertising service on the block. BitcoinAdSmart officially launched on September 1st 2012. BitcoinAdSmart provides the most fully intuitive bitcoin advertising service available. We use Bitcoin publishers in addition to regular publishers. We accept payment in Bitcoins, Paypal and all sorts of major credit/debit cards. We offer various payout methods to publishers, namely bitcoin and paypal. To provide qualified advertisement(s) for any given request, the BitcoinAdSmart engine applies a proprietary Yield Optimisation Formula to look for the appropriate rank and price for every advertisement. Our formula views factors for relevancy focusing on match, keyword match type, qualified filter criteria, historic earnings, current bid amount, and much more to determine which advertisement is publisher where, and what it ought to cost. Make the most of our specific advertisements and relevant traffic, become an advertiser or perhaps a bitcoin publisher today!
The end result: Elevated revenue for publishers together with elevated performance for advertisers.
Your typical ad server provides ads according to pre-selected filters for example, Content Funnel Matching, and/or Date Arranging. While these filters are essential and typical, advertisers want, and need, more focus on control. BitcoinAdSmart is the first bitcoin ad server to provide intelligent keyword driven ad serving.
In present day with demanding on-line marketing efforts, advertising relevance is becoming one of the most important elements for advertisers and also publishers. Advertisers get elevated traffic from interested, motivated, and highly specific, site visitors. At the same time publishers can also enjoy a rise in advertising revenue because of the greater click-through rate.
What distinguishes BitcoinAdSmart from the simple keyword ad servers who focus on techniques typically present in other advertising items, is our proprietary contextual engine. With BitcoinAdSmart, publishers no longer need to specify relevant key phrases for every page on which they include advertisements. Rather, our proprietary contextual engine finds relevant key phrases in the page content, matches individuals key phrases with the available advertisements, which provides matching advertisements. Mixing our proprietary contextual engine with content channels, GeoIP restriction/inlcusion, and ranking, bitcoin advertisers along with other advertisers can also enjoy an elevated amount of conversions.