That's not the point. The point is to make each attempt cost a bit of wealth which is basically meaningless to an actual user but which will add up to being very expensive for someone who wants to use a bot.
This was a long time coming and I'm very happy someone put the work into it and made it happen!
Which scenarios does this fix? I'm trying to think of a scenario in that a service would want to charge their users (even a small fee) just to stop some bots from abusing the service. Sounds like an unnecessary fee on users just for deterring bots... plus if its actually worth it a bot could easily be programmed to complete the CAPTCHA, which, in my opinion, defeats the purpose of a CAPTCHA.
Not trying to talk down about this service, its a well done implementation, I'm just trying to see where it could be used. Has anyone put this to use yet?
Text-based CAPTCHAs are fine, and if made right won't be broken by OCR. Also for services that allow you to pay $x for y amount of text-based CAPTCHA answers, couldn't people just now do it easier by pumping that money into Bitcoin and complete the CAPTCHA by paying the small fee? Basically what I'm saying is this is if a person wants to get around a CAPTCHA... they will... adding an inconvenience such as scanning a QR code is something most users will not want to do. Especially if its taking their precious Bitcoins!
I just got tired of not being able to read the captcha's that I decided to make a bitcoin one. I read here and there that people might also be interested in this, so I though hey what the hell, lets make a good Bitcoin CAPTCHA implementation.
It is primarily a way to promote that you like Bitcoin and the idea was to use it on something like the Bitcoin Wiki, because why should people edit the Wiki, if they don't even have a bitcoin wallet?
But it is just one of many side project that we develop, when there is nothing else to do. You all know by now, that I hate to sit still.
If you need another purpose for bitcoinCAPTCHA it could be utilized for news articles, so if you wanted to read an article you would first need to complete the challenge, in this case sending 0.0005 to bitcoinCAPTCHA, we all know paid news on the internet is coming one way or another.
We fully intend on sending bitcoins received though bitcoinCAPTCHA to the webmasters bitcoin address along the road, or sending it back to the user, maybe even create a bitcoin faucet. But for now lets see if there are any interest at all for further development.
I'll love to see what people can come up with using this in their projects as the most part of bitcoinCAPTCHA is customizable with CSS. You are more than welcome to post your project in which you are using bitcoinCAPTCHA in this thread.