so it ends up the big farmers only get bigger with projects like this! sorry but the few huge ones out there will sweep this up in a heart beat and leave the small single gpu farmers dry in the mouth!
You know that ASIC miners are available today for almost every kind of algo?
I think Sha256 is fair because ASIC of this kind are the most affordable and you can use the same which you are using to mine BTC, this gives a great starting userbase to a coin.
I think PoS is good because gives people the chance to mine without hardware, just holding their coins in wallet.
Not exactly. Here are some GPU-only algos that doesn't have ASICs:
bastion Hefty bastion
bitcore Timetravel-10
blake Blake 256 (SFR)
blake2s Blake2-S 256 (NEVA)
blakecoin Fast Blake 256 (8 rounds)
bmw BMW 256
cryptolight AEON cryptonight (MEM/2)
cryptonight XMR cryptonight
c11/flax X11 variant
decred Decred Blake256
deep Deepcoin
equihash Zcash Equihash
dmd-gr Diamond-Groestl
fresh Freshcoin (shavite 80)
fugue256 Fuguecoin
groestl Groestlcoin
heavy Heavycoin
hmq1725 Doubloons / Espers
jha JHA v8 (JackpotCoin)
keccak Keccak-256 (Maxcoin)
lbry LBRY Credits (Sha/Ripemd)
luffa Joincoin
lyra2 CryptoCoin
lyra2v2 VertCoin
lyra2z ZeroCoin (3rd impl)
mjollnir Mjollnircoin
myr-gr Myriad-Groestl
neoscrypt FeatherCoin, Phoenix, UFO...
nist5 NIST5 (TalkCoin)
penta Pentablake hash (5x Blake 512)
sia SIA (Blake2B)
sib Sibcoin (X11+Streebog)
scrypt-jane Scrypt-jane Chacha
skein Skein SHA2 (Skeincoin)
skein2 Double Skein (Woodcoin)
skunk Skein Cube Fugue Streebog
s3 S3 (1Coin)
timetravel Machinecoin permuted x8
tribus Denerius
vanilla Blake256-8 (VNL)
veltor Thorsriddle streebog
whirlcoin Old Whirlcoin (Whirlpool algo)
whirlpool Whirlpool algo
x11evo Permuted x11 (Revolver)
x17 X17
wildkeccak Boolberry
zr5 ZR5 (ZiftrCoin)
And ASICs are centralized and attract a different group of people.